Sabrina Drago

Sabrina Drago
Sabrina Drago

Sabrina Drago is a registered civil engineer with nearly two decades dedicated to transportation. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the Sacramento Transportation Authority which oversees and administers Sacramento County’s Measure A Transportation Program. Prior to joining the STA, Sabrina worked in the private industry for some of the largest engineering consulting firms in the nation. There she designed and managed critical transportation projects in Northern California and throughout the Western United States.

She believes that an effective transportation network is paramount to improving the economy and supporting local businesses. Sabrina has an MBA from Arizona State University, an MSCE from Stanford University and a BSCE from Cal Poly Pomona. A Southern California native, Sabrina has happily transplanted in 2017 to unincorporated South Placer County with her husband, two children, cat and a very energetic puppy.