Placer Business Letters from the Editor

Letters from the Executive Director
Letter from the Executive Director
Wed March 2, 2022

Lessons of an Executive Director After 13 (really?) Months!

As the late, great Jim Croce opined when warbling about saving time in a bottle (which I still don’t understand, since any third grader can tell you that you preserve time in a capsule, not…

Letter from the Executive Director
Tue November 2, 2021


In an incredible show of force, over seventy Placer County business leaders, locally elected officials and government and non-profit executives stepped in to the COVID breach and took our message straight to Washington.


Letter from the Executive Director
Tue March 2, 2021


For years, the business community in Placer County has done a good job identifying and recruiting pro-business candidates at the local level.  Having identified and recruited the candidates, the business community, either through various…